ADULT: Building Responsible Internet Discipline through Gamified Education for Immigrant Women

Project details

The Building Responsible Internet Discipline through Gamified Education for Immigrant Women (BRIDGE) project aims to empower immigrant women by fostering digital literacy and safety awareness, enabling them to participate confidently in adult education. Recognizing that many immigrant women lack digital skills and are often apprehensive of technology due to privacy and security concerns, BRIDGE seeks to build their capacity in digital safety through gamified learning. The project develops a suite of resources including a Guidebook on Organizational Change, a Gamified Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), and a Mentorship Program, all designed to make digital education safer and more accessible for immigrant women, while supporting adult education institutions (AEIs) in implementing secure, inclusive digital practices.
In today’s digital landscape, AEIs and vulnerable groups, such as immigrant women, face significant challenges around digital safety and privacy. Many adult learners are wary of engaging in online education due to concerns about their digital rights and data security, which can be especially intimidating for those new to digital tools and education. These issues hinder their access to educational opportunities and limit their full participation in society.
BRIDGE tackles these challenges by creating targeted, gamified resources to educate and empower AEIs, educators, and immigrant women in digital safety practices. The project emphasizes the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, providing tools and best practices to promote safe, inclusive, and privacy-conscious digital environments. The Gamified MOOC offers an engaging and effective way for immigrant women to build digital literacy, while the Mentorship Program supports AEIs in adopting these practices to create a trusted educational space.
1. Enhance Awareness: Increase awareness and understanding of digital safety issues for AEIs, educators, and learners to create a foundation of trust.
2. Empower Educators and Learners: Equip educators with the skills to teach digital safety and empower immigrant women with knowledge of their digital rights.
3. Implement Inclusive Practices: Support AEIs in adopting GDPR-compliant practices that prioritize learner privacy and digital security.
4. Deliver Sustainable Resources: Produce accessible, gamified learning tools and a Mentorship Program to ensure long-term impact in digital literacy and safe online learning.
Project Website: to come soon.


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